
Muslim Chinese – the Hui in Rural Ningxia

Internal Migration and Ethnoreligious Identification

Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Band 340

Klaus Schwarz Verlag

ISBN 9783879974931


  • Wang, X. (2012), What is Pure and True? Women’s religious expression as a mechanism of ethnic boundary-formation. 22nd Annual ASEN Conference – Nationalism, Ethnicity and Boundaries, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE), 27 – 29 March 2012, London.
  • Wang, X. (2011), Identität im Wandel: Einflussfaktoren auf die Selbstwahrnehmung der Hui-Frauen (VR China). Summer School of the German Anthropological Association (GAA), 18 – 22 July 2011, Frankfurt a. M., Germany.
  • Wang, X. (2011), 西方女性人类学对伊斯兰教妇女地位研究的发展和其中几个主要论题(The development of feminist anthropology on Muslim women’s position and some of its influential discourses). Public presentation given in the Institute of Hui Studies, Ningxia University, 20 April 2011, Yinchuan, China.
  • Wang, X. (2010), Islamische Identität aus der Perspektive der Hui-Frauen. Workshop for PhD students in social and cultural anthropology, 15 – 17 October 2010, Göttingen, Germany.
  • Wang, X. (2010), 从《东方学》到伊斯兰教国家的妇女地位 (From Orientalism to women’s position in Islamic societies. Public presentation given at the Chinese Culture Centre in Berlin as part of a lecture series organized by Confucius-Institute, Berlin, Germany.